Quantcast Vegetarian StarPaul Ryan Speechwriter Is Vegan Matthew Scully

Paul Ryan Speechwriter Is Vegan Matthew Scully

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 22nd, 2012 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink, Politicians.

Matthew Scully

Paul Ryan, vice-presidential running mate for Mitt Romney on the Republican side, will be using veteran speech writer Matthew Scully for his upcoming appearances.

Scully has a long history of writing for conservatives, including Sarah Palin and George W. Bush.

He’s also a member of the vegan party and has written some moving work on how animals should be treated.

Coming from a Catholic background, Scully uses his book, Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and The Call to Mercy, to explain his view on the Christian idea that man has dominion over animals. Scully believes this includes treating all living beings with respect by abstaining from all animal products.

“I used to walk with him through Lafayette Square, and I remember him feeding the squirrels,” former speech writing colleague David Frum, who shared an office with Scully at The White House, told The Daily Caller. “He was very wry about it. You know, there’s this famous joke about vegans, ‘How do you know the vegan at the dinner party?’ And the answer is ‘don’t worry, they’ll tell you.’ But he was just wry and gentle and never made an issue of it.”

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