Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlec Baldwin To Co-Host Event For Physicians Vegan Animal Welfare Group

Alec Baldwin Hilaria Thomas

Alec Baldwin will be co-hosting an event for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a group of doctors and other individuals who promote a vegan diet for better health.

The Research without Cruelty event will feature Baldwin with PCRM founder Dr. Neal Barnard and Dennis Erdman, cruelty-free cocktails and discussion about animal welfare in medicine.

Tickets are $250 per person.

In addition to its stance on a plant-based diet for health, PCRM is known for its opposition to unethical human experiments, such as giving children certain types of  hormones and drugs whose long-term effects are not known, and inhumane experiments involving animals.  The group promotes alternatives to animal testing, such as those tests done by the military and DEA, and promotes non-animal methods in education environments, such as medical schools.

Photo: Joella  Marano/Creative Commons

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