Quantcast Vegetarian StarAngela Simmons “Everything Girls Love”–Horses, Vegetarianism

Angela Simmons Everything Girls Love

Angela Simmons, reality TV actress, niece of Russell Simmons and the daughter of Rev Run, is featured on a recent cover of Everything Girls Love magazine.

Inside, Simmons’ interview reveals her favorite charities, love for animals and the vegetarian secret that plays a major role in her physique.

“Lately I’ve been working with an organization called NYClass, to get the horses off the streets of New York,” Simmosn told EGL.  “The horses that ride us around on carriages are treated so horribly and horses have no business being in the city.”

In addition to NYClass, Simmons has worked with PETA, promoting vegetarianism, something, along with a varied workout routine, helps keep her fit for the cameras.

“I do a lot of outdoor running, swimming, cardio, outdoor yoga and horseback  riding. I mix it up a lot but I’m always moving and working out. I became a vegetarian a couple of years ago and that along with being active helps me keep my body where I want it to be.”

For the entire interview, visit Everything Girls Love.

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