Quantcast Vegetarian StarVenus Williams Owns Vegetarian Friendly Jamba Juice (Video)

Venus Williams is the new proud franchise owner of a Jamba Juice.

The Daily Caller took time to interview the vegan tennis champ, where she expressed much excitement on her new entrepreneurial adventure.

“I can tell you I’m very excited to be a franchise owner,” Venus said. “For me, this is beyond my dreams. It supports the healthy, active lifestyle that I promote, so this is amazing.”

Jamba Juice offers several vegan drinks, which you can easily sort for using the company’s nutritional application on its website. Energy shots and protein boosts with soymilk providing eight grams of plant-based protein are also available.

In addition to its drinks, Jamba Juice offers several sandwiches, wraps and other ready-to-eat dishes that are vegetarian-friendly, and may be vegan-friendly as well if you request certain items be removed like hummus and pepperjack mini wrap and a sesame noodle pasta salad.

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