Quantcast Vegetarian StarMary Whipple Heads To London Packed With Vegetarian Staples

Mary Whipple

Mary Whipple, U.S. Olympic rower who at the Beijing 2008 games helped her team snag its first Gold medal since 1984, is heading for London next week to defend the title.

“Before workouts, smoothies are my go-to,” Whipple told Diets in Review. “In the morning I add egg white powder for protein, banana, kale and any seasonal fruits with almond milk.”

Not everyone on the Women’s Rowing team may be vegetarian, but that hasn’t stopped them from indulging as a team in something suitable for even Whipple.

“Rowers are known for snacking throughout the day. One of my best memories is the team waiting to make an appearance and we pulled out some chips and salsa in the middle of Times Square as we were waiting. It’s not something I do every day but we do snack a lot to keep up our energy.”

“Because I’m a vegetarian, I keep a fairly constant diet of fruits, vegetables and whole grains”

Learn more about Whipple’s workout secrets, including her pre-workout rituals, at Diets In Review.

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