Quantcast Vegetarian StarNew York Mayor Bloomberg Promotes Overeating Without Soda

Bloomberg Nathan's Contest

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg was caught celebrating the not-so-art of competitive eating at the recent Coney Island Hot Dog Eating Contest.

His action of cheering on the consumption of over 60 hot dogs in a day and even stuffing his own face with one did not by any means undermine his strong stance on keeping New Yorkers healthy, as the New York Daily News mentions he, “did not wash it down with a big soda.”

Thank goodness.

Bloomberg eating hot dog

Bloomberg has made news recently with his proposal to ban serving any soda over 16 ounces in the city in an effort to curb obesity.

The mayor, who’s undergone heart procedures  but still regularly consumes meat, justified his opinion that although soda is the devil, meat is just a misguided arch angel.

“If you eat a hamburger, it fills you up. If you drink a 32-ounce cup of a full-sugared drink, it doesn’t fill you up. It just leaves you as hungry afterwards as before,” he said.

Said Keith-Thomas Ayoob at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of the hot dog event, “I’m not sure if eating that many hot dogs can damage your blood, but it will probably raise your cholesterol level temporarily. And it puts a strain on your body’s organs to handle that amount of calories, fat, and sodium all at once.”

Given credit where it’s due, Bloomberg only ate enough animal wiener to “fill him up.”

Maybe he could introduce another legislation measure that encourages competitive (over) eaters to do the same.

And do so with a veggie hot dog next time.

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