Quantcast Vegetarian StarTed Danson Tempted By “CSI” Set Catering

Ted Danson Tempted By “CSI” Set Catering

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 5th, 2012 in Actors, Film & TV, Food & Drink.

Ted Danson

Ted Danson has said that although he considers himself an environmentalist, you shouldn’t look to him as a role model for vegetarianism.

“Oh yeah, no, I’m an actor,” Danson told GQ magazine. “Which means one week I’m vegan, the next I don’t know.”

It appears he’s back to a vegan diet again, but the meat items provided by catering on the set of CSI may have him saying, “I don’t know” shortly.

“It”s been a disaster on the ‘CSI’ set for Ted,” a source told The ENQUIRER.

“With all the tasty meat dishes that the catering staff makes, his will to stick to his vegan diet is wilting.”

“He’s been vegan and a vegetarian in the past, but Ted has found it diffi­cult maintaining the diet because he always ends up missing juicy ham­burgers!”

The source added that although Ted joked about “the cows calling him” he’s “determined to stick with the diet this time.”

Photo: Banking Bum/Creative Commons

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