Quantcast Vegetarian StarRev. Al Sharpton Former Chicken Junkie Reformed As Vegetarian

Al Sharpton

The Reverend Al Sharpton announced last year he’d gone meatless. But we had no idea how much this benefited him. Sharpton lost 130 pounds from the vegetarian diet he adopted in 2010. He cites vegan former president of the United States Bill Clinton as an inspiration for the change.

“It was about two years ago that I finally decided to take all the weight off again, and so I cut the starches, the meat, and I even gave up chicken. I was a chicken junkie. I used to eat chicken three times a day. I have gone from a weight of 214 pounds to my current weight of 167 pounds.”

“I remember seeing Bill Clinton when I first lost weight and he told me, ‘Al, you will feel better and you won’t need as much sleep.'”

As a reverend, Sharpton sees the connection between the old Biblical saying that one’s body is a temple and you should put best material in it. He can’t see advocating spiritual values when he’s committing the ungodly sin of abusing his body.

“How do you pastor when they are in the church cafeteria frying? We can’t preach community control when we aren’t practicing self-control.”

“A vegetarian diet has a way of absorbing the stress and gives you greater endurance.”

The pastor practices self-control and get endurance from his favorite vegetarians foods of grains, greens, salads and fruits.

Vanity Fair

Photo: David Shankbone/Creative Commons

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