Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Real Housewives” Vicki Gunvalson Tosses Out Real Fur

Real Housewives Orange County

Vicki Gunvalson may have a lot of issues to bicker about with her friends on the Real Housewives of Orange County, but which fur to wear to the party later in the evening isn’t one of them.

Gunvalson has sworn off fur after being contacted by animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and learning what goes on in the fur industry.

Anyone who watches reality TV knows the roles of women have changed significantly, and ladies do more than prepare dinner for the husbands in between make-up and hair touches. And actresses today don’t look glamorous at all wearing something from a dead animal.

“Growing up in the sixties and seventies, women I looked up to were stars of television and films, they were beautiful, glamorous and successful,” writes Gunvalson in statement. “Successful women role models were really just emerging for young women of my generation; it was a simpler time but full of exciting change. There were dreams every girl aspired to.”

“For a woman of my generation, there were always certain signs of success, and I was driven to achieve them. From my first luxury car I was able to afford from my commissions working in insurance, to taking care of my family, I have always wanted the best that life could offer. I have always tried to do the right thing, and inspire others.”

“The world has changed and I must change as well. Fur, while it was never something I needed or specifically wanted, it was in my mindset as something glamorous and a sign of success for a woman. That is no longer the case.”

Read Gunvalson’s entire letter at Bravo’s The Dish.

Photo: Gina  Hughes/Creative Commons

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