Quantcast Vegetarian StarZoe Soul Of “Reed Between The Lines” Gives Veggie Talk (Video)

Zoe Soul

Reed Between the Lines star Zoe Soul went vegetarian at 15 and it only took a few days after that for her to go vegan.

She recorded a pro-veggie ad for PETA where she discusses her feelings that animals aren’t “souless” creatures. She says they have distinct personalities but, without a voice, need humans to protect them.

One way to do that is by going vegetarian like Zoe. And she assures it’s not as difficult as it sounds.

“People kind of just jump into it and they end up eating [only] asparagus. That’s not what veganism is. There’s a lot of replacement foods. It’s such a great idea. If anybody is interested in it, I’d say absolutely go for it. And if more people do that, there’s a huge, huge, huge difference right there.”

How much of a difference is huge? One source says a vegetarian saves approximately 50 animals a year!

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