Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlexandra Paul Uses Swim Competition To Set Vegan Example (Video)

Alexandra Paul

Alexandra Paul isn’t just a hot looking actress who put on a bathing suit to look pretty during her Baywatch years. She’s actually a fierce competitor in real life who plans to swim Florida’s annual Swim Around Key West, a 12.5-mile challenge, this Saturday.

Paul interviewed with The Morning Swim Show and discussed how the race helps her set an example as a vegan.

The Morning Swim Show: Before we go, I want to also mention that you’re a very vocal activist for animal rights and the environment. I would imagine being a celebrity helps your voice get heard a little louder.

Alexandra Paul: Well, for example, on this swim, I’m vegan so I’ll be doing … I’ve been training vegan. I was vegetarian for 33 years so all my Iron Man training and all of my other swims were done a vegetarian diet, and I feel very fit and strong and energetic. And so I think just that can show people that being vegan isn’t for pasty, unhealthy, wimpy people [laughs], that I get enough protein and things. So just yes, by example, I prefer to be an example rather than be a preacher. But I am lucky to be able to state what I think and have at least some people listen. Yes.

Watch the entire interview with Paul below.

Photo: atp tyreseus/Creative Commons

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