Quantcast Vegetarian StarMike Tyson Went Vegan To Give Up Prostitutes (Video)

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Going vegan has many benefits. Health. Energy. Animal welfare. Environmental. And even cutting down on prostitution.

Mike Tyson interview with NBC’s Today discussed more than his upcoming role in the one-man Broadway show Mike Tyson: The Undisputed Truth.

Going vegan helped him lose almost 100 pounds–plus that bad hooker habit he had.

When host Ann Curry asked Tyson what changed him, his reply was, “I just threw up the white flag. Too many prison cells, too many jails, too many lawsuits, too many bankruptcies, too many women, too many venereal diseases, too many everything!”

“I got tired … of every time my prostitute girl got back from a trip I had to sleep with her. I’m going to live a different life.”

“I’m sorry , I’m sorry. I was a prostitute hunter.”

Congratulations to Mike for giving up the rump–both human and the roast.

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One Response to “Mike Tyson Went Vegan To Give Up Prostitutes (Video)”

  1. WATCH: How Mike Tyson Gave Up Prostitutes and Went Vegan | Ecorazzi Says:

    […] anticipation of his new one-man Broadway show, “Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth”, he spoke with Ann Curry about why and how he revamped his […]