Quantcast Vegetarian StarDr. Oz Says Vegetarian Diets Tastes Just As Good As Meat

Dr. Oz Says Vegetarian Diets Tastes Just As Good As Meat

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 18th, 2012 in Food & Drink, TV Hosts.

Lisa Oz Mehmet_Oz

Dr. Oz is famous for helping millions of viewers across the nation adopt healthier eating habits. But while growing up, the TV doc and heart surgeon recalls he was nothing but a meat and potatoes eater. In an exclusive video for People Magazine, Oz explained how meeting his wife Lisa changed everything.

“I grew up eating a steak every night with mashed potatoes,” Oz told People. “It was a routine, kind of how my mom showed her love for me was to make that meal.”

Although Oz does not follow a 100% vegetarian diet, you’re more likely to find “wheat” meat or seitan on his plate alongside a serving a healthily cooked potatoes.

“The foods that we eat right now tend to be foods that come out of the ground looking just the way they look when I eat them,” he said. “They’re unadulterated, they’re real foods. I try to eat them raw if I can. Figure out what gives you energy and what saps your energy.”

“I learned that you can be a vegetarian and eat food that tastes just as good as if you’re not.”

Visit People to view Dr.Oz’s video.

Photo: David Shankbone/Creative Commons

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