Quantcast Vegetarian StarChaka Khan Now Symbol For “Every Woman” Through Vegan Diet

Chaka Khan

Chaka Khan has added another accomplishment to her long list that includes Grammy award-winning tunes.

Khan revealed she lost weight and helped curtail a few health problems by adopting a vegan diet.

“My weight loss had to occur, because I was diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes and I also had high blood pressure,” Khan said. “And I’ve been on medication for that since last year until the beginning of this year.”

“And I ended up going, “Oh, no, no, no, no, this is enough. I can’t live like this.” And I have a new little daughter to raise [my granddaughter], I adopted her so I have to be here. … [She] was really my first and major influence to lose weight and get healthy so I can be here for her. What I did was stopped eating and went on a strict unconditional fast for a couple of months. And went off meat, became vegan, stopped all the dairy, stopped all the meat.”

While being sexier is certainly a side effect of going vegan, Khan insisted she’s always been a symbol.

“When I was fat I was a sex symbol. Some men like it that, you know. But I don’t think about that. That’s so far from my mind right now.”

Most importantly, she’s now a symbol for good health.

More at the Huffington Post.

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