Quantcast Vegetarian StarNatalie Portman Child Screams At Vegan Food Menu

Natalie Portman

Just because Natalie Portman is and has been a longtime vegetarian, doesn’t mean her child will automatically enjoy dining at a restaurant that serves such food.

The actress was spotted at Flore Vegan in Silverlake, California with one-year old son Aleph, who was not happy with mom’s choice and would not stop crying.

That’s too bad, considering Flore Vegan even has a complete child’s menu, featuring a burrito with black beans, cashew cheese and avocado; Tofu Egg Salad Sandwich; Cashew Cheese Quesadilla; and variety of veggie burgers including Portobello Seitan.

Any of these dishes wash down well with “Babycino,” a steamed soy milk beverage.

Photo: josh jensen/Creative Commons

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