Quantcast Vegetarian StarRich Roll “Finding Ultra” Fitness Well Past Midlife

Rich Roll Finding Ultra

Rich Roll used his “midlife crisis” of obesity and fatigue as motivation to turn into a triathlete and ultra-marathoner who is healthier than most half his age. The vegan athlete, who was named one of 2009 Men’s Fitness “25 Fittest Men in the World,” has published a new book, Finding Ultra, that traces his steps to better health through a plant-based diet after the age of 40.

Roll spoke with CNN where he gave advice on what others can take from the book as they too approach half a century.

“My hope is that people can see through the extreme endurance event aspect of the book and realize that’s purely intended as metaphor. Not everyone who reads my book will want to do Ultraman or become 100% vegan, but I hope it serves as inspiration for whatever that thing is you’ve had in the back of your mind that you always wanted to do. There is a way and a means to breathe life into those things if you’re willing to prioritize it in a way you haven’t done before.”

“The biggest thing is to not overcomplicate it and just start. You don’t have to have the whole thing mapped out. You don’t have to know where it’s going to lead you. You shouldn’t get caught up in the results of it. You just need to begin and embrace the journey and be open to where it’s going to lead you.”

More at CNN.

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