Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Chace Crawford Character Disheartened By GMOs

Chace Crawford

“My father was a farmer. He taught me a lot. He was a good business man, ran a great farm. He refused to plant GMO seeds (genetically modified). But the neighboring farmer did, and his seeds blew into our farm. Dad sued and lost his farm after an expensive lawsuit with the biggest GMO manufacturing company. They were crooks.”

Chace Crawford‘s character Cole, in the film Peace, Love and Misunderstanding. Cole is a butcher dating a vegetarian who is disgusted that he “dismembers animals for a living.” Cole thinks he can make up for the loss of his father’s farm by butchering local meat and supporting local farmers, a move that softens even his vegetarian girlfriend’s heart (Elizabeth Olsen).

Sometimes truth is more of a pain to organic farmers than fiction. Planting crops beside a conventional farm that uses GMOS can and does cause contamination, risking the organic farmer’s certification and livelihood.

Photo: Christopherpetersen at en.wikipedia

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