Quantcast Vegetarian StarMegyn Price Writing Vegetarian Cookbook

Megyn Price Writing Vegetarian Cookbook

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 5th, 2012 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Recipes.

Megyn Price may be the next vegetarian actress to also successful launch a cookbook career.

The Rules of Engagement star told The Celebrity Cafe she’s been working on a collection of recipes for some time now, but isn’t sure when they’ll be released.

“It’s great because the more that I write and blog about it, the more I think, ‘Is this supposed to be a book?’ I don’t know what it’s supposed to be, but it’s fun and it really motivates me to write things down more. I just feel like I’ll get really creative and make something amazing and then you’ll never see it again because I don’t ever remember what I do. In my brain I’ll go, ‘Oh I did do that…let’s do that again!’ I made a great phantom soup once that I never saw again.”

Developing recipes should not pose a problem for Price, considering she was holding a measuring spoon and crayon at about the same age. The actress says because she comes from such a large family, her mother recommended she take care of her own diet needs while everyone else ate meat.

“My mom said I was when I was 5 or 6, I guess I refused to eat meat, so then she bought me all of these vegetarian cookbooks because I had a bunch of brothers and sisters and she was like, alright if you want to do it then you have to learn how to cook. So when I was like 8 I had to learn how to make whatever I was going to eat.”

She probably made better gourmet ants on a log than any kid on the playground.

Photo: PR Photos

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