Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Big Brother” UK Star Victoria Eisermann Vegan And Activist


Big Brother UK has unveiled the lineup of housemates for the 2012 season.

It’s always interesting to get a vegetarian in the reality TV bunch and this season, Victoria Eisermann may spice up the screen a little more with her quest to win more than the winning title.

“I am secretly trying to turn everyone vegetarian,” Eisermann said, adding that veganism is a “massive thing” in her life, defining both her and her values.

The tofu must work wonders because Eisermann hardley looks her age of 41 years. This former plus-sized model who’s appeared in multiples publications and television commercials has recently set up a dog rescue charity and owns five dogs herself.

Besides converting, the vegan of eight years said she’d like to take the winning money and start a vegan handbag and shoe line.

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