Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Jamie Oliver Healthy Cup Award Wish

Jamie Oliver

“Imagine a world where mothers would not feed bottles of Coca-Cola to babies, where the ingredients would not read like scientific equations, where children and parents gardened veggies together. My wish is that in the next three years, a real, real food revolution will happen. My uncompromised belief is that, whether we are British, American, or any dude on the planet, we can make great decisions if we are informed properly. That gives me hope.”

Jamie Oliver, during an acceptance speech for Harvards’s Healthy Cup Award, presented by the Harvard School of Public Health. The award recognizes an individual “who has made a tremendous contribution to public health and improving nutrition throughout the world.”

Oliver’s accomplishments to public health include both his American Food Revolution television series and getting the sugared milk out of LA public schools.

Photo: really short/Creative Commons

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