Quantcast Vegetarian StarChloe Coscarelli Does A Vegan Hostess Cupcake (Video)

Chloe Coscarelli Does A Vegan Hostess Cupcake (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 25th, 2012 in Chefs, Food & Drink, Videos.

Chloe Coscarelli has created another unique and memorable cupcake flavor that she showcased on Seattle’s New Day.

If you remember the days of buying Hostess cupcakes with your remaining lunch money after school, you may be pleasantly surprised by Chloe’s “Chloestess Cakes.”

vegan cupcakes

“They’re chocolate, decadent, light and fluffy, filled with a vanilla cream filling in the center.”

Plus, no animal products or suffering.

Start saving your quarters and dimes, boys and girls. These are worth skipping the expensive a la carte line in the cafeteria and eating crackers and hummus for a few days.

It’s not as if there’s anything deliciously vegan coming from the school/work lunchlady anyway.

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