Quantcast Vegetarian StarMiranda Lambert “Self” Interview Reveals Hunting Hobby

Miranda Lambert

Just when we were excited about Miranda Lamberts animal work for charities like Paws for Cause for shelter pets, a story surfaces that reveals she puts other animals’ paws in her fridge.

In Self magazine, Lambert revealed “15 Things I’ll Never Apologize For,” which includes deer cutlets on the menu at her home she shares with husband Blake Shelton.

“We eat the meat we kill. Blake and I served it at our wedding! I love it when people are down on me for hunting. If you eat meat at all, I don’t want to hear about it!”

Lambert apparently harvested venison for her own wedding, a photo of which was uploaded to Twitter.

Miranda Lambert deer cutlets

With the potential unhealthy contaminants involved when eating game killed in the wild, Gunpowder and Lead are better used to defend yourself against psycho ex-husbands, versus happy little animals in the forest.

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One Response to “Miranda Lambert “Self” Interview Reveals Hunting Hobby”

  1. Bubba Says:

    What a stinkin bitch!! Her snatch probably reeks!