Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlyssa Milano Hosts Vegetarian Food Revolution Dinner

Alyssa Milano Hosts Vegetarian Food Revolution Dinner

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 15th, 2012 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Recipes.

Alyssa Milano

Still planning the details for the Food Revolution event you’re hosting this weekend?

Actress Alyssa Milano has a few ideas for the date set by chef Jamie Oliver meant to raise awareness on cooking with natural, unprocessed ingredients for better health.

“I wanted to share with you all a vegetarian meal that I cook for my family and friends… and guess what… it’s made up of my favorite Jamie recipes! Everyone loves it.”

Oliver’s Guacamole Platter and Vegetarian Chili are just two of the entrees on Milano’s menu for Saturday, May 19. You can grab the recipes and add them to your food event here.

From the Food Revolution website:

“Food Revolution Day on 19 May is a chance for people who love food to come together to share information, talents and resources; to pass on their knowledge and highlight the world’s food issues. All around the globe, people will work together to make a difference. Food Revolution Day is about connecting with your community through events at schools, restaurants, local businesses, dinner parties and farmers’ markets. We want to inspire change in people’s food habits and to promote the mission for better food and education for everyone.”

More on Food Revolution Day can be found here.

Photo: Tom Sorensen/Creative Commons

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