Quantcast Vegetarian Star“American Pickers” Mike Wolfe Says “Adopt Don’t Shop”


Mike Wolfe stars alongside Frank Fritz as they travel across the United States buying antiques and collectibles on the History Channel series American Pickers.

In real life, Wolfe knows pets aren’t collectibles and something cute to sit on the sofa from a pet store or breeder isn’t nearly as valuable as a shelter animal.

Wolfe is starring in a PSA for Last Chance for Animals’ Adopt, Don’t Shop! campaign.

“I’m a picker and I’m always searching for rusty gold for somebody’s home,” Wolfe says in the PSA where he’s seen sitting next to Bentley, a rescued St. Bernard.

“Every year, 4 million animals are euthanized because they can’t find a home. And a staggering number are older animals. Let’s give them a chance to become an American Classic. Help save man’s best friend. Adopt, don’t shop.”

The print PSA was created with the help of famed celebrity photographer Christopher Ameruoso.

“I encourage everyone to share this PSA far and wide. The more people who see the wonderful work Christopher Ameruoso and Mike Wolfe have created together, the fewer animals will die in shelters,” says Chris DeRose, LCA Founder and President.

Wolfe joins several celebrities such as Maria Menounos, Missi Pyle, Pamela Anderson, Holly Madison, Mike Tyson, Mackenzie Phillips, and Jillian Michaels in the latest of 27 print ads available on the Los Angeles based organization’s website.

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