Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Ellen DeGeneres Vegan Light Bulb Moment

Ellen DeGeneres

“I’ve always called myself an animal lover. And yet I ate them. Until four years ago I would be driving past these cows on pastures, and think ‘What a lovely life that is,’ and I’d go and order a steak. It takes a click, just one light bulb, and you’re like ‘I can’t do that anymore. Someone mentioned ‘If you knew what chicken looked like or you knew how chicken was made, you’d never eat it again. Something snapped.”

Ellen DeGeneres, in an interview where she discusses her journey to veganism. The article includes some tips on going vegan from DeGeneres’ personal chef, Roberto Martin, who’s just published a cookbook.

Photo: Tulane Public Relations/Creative Commons

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  1. Top 5 Vegan Celebrities | Personal Energy Mastery Says:

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