Quantcast Vegetarian StarEmily Deschanel Honored For Farm Animal Advocacy

Emily Deschanel

Vegan actress Emily Deschanel will be honored at Mercy For Animals’  “Justice for All: A Night for Creatures Big and Small” event on June 2nd. The evening is meant to celebrate Mercy For Animals’ legal advocacy work for farmed animals, including increased animal protection laws, prosecution for abuse on farms and improved animal welfare conditions.

Deschanel served as the organization’s spokesperson for its Walk For Animals event that raises money and awareness for animal abuse.

Deschanel brings awareness to animal welfare issues both through her personal and career life. Her character on the hit Fox television series Bones happens to be a vegetarian and she’s played a part in getting the show to feature animal rights themes.

“I can’t remember if it was my idea or not,” Deschanel said. “I didn’t want her to become vegan–and she’s vegetarian for health reasons, not because of animal rights. It’s important to keep a separation between actor and character. I do always ask for episodes touching on animal rights in the same way. And I ask that there’s a character to present the case for animals in every episode.”

Photo: RavenU/Creative Commons

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