Quantcast Vegetarian StarScarlett Johansson Slips Into “Avengers” Catsuit With Help Of Vegan Diet (Video)

Scarlett Johansson Avengers

Hot mamma!

How did actress Scarlett Johansson develop such a sleek and toned body to look so good as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow in The Avengers?

The actress told The Sun she accomplished this primarily through following a vegan diet.

“Everybody on the film has their own uncomfortable costume situation,” Johansson said. “It’s like 800° in mine. And it’s a one-piece and I have nothing underneath it. Everybody looks incredibly uncomfortable until the cameras are rolling. Then we all look badass.”

Of course, this isn’t anything new to the actress who’s been active in pushing for changes to school lunch menus to offer more plant-based items. She was probably whipping something new in the kitchen on the set’s trailer after every major scene shot as this gal knows how to do her own vegan cooking.

Johansson told Stylist, “I like to cook, major baker. Yeah, this past summer I got into vegan baking so I was baking up a storm — breads, cakes, muffins. I love to bake.”

See Johansson in action in the trailer for Marvel Avengers Assemble below.

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One Response to “Scarlett Johansson Slips Into “Avengers” Catsuit With Help Of Vegan Diet (Video)”

  1. insaini Says:

    Legs spread out!!!…. that is the way i like it