Quantcast Vegetarian StarBryan Adams, Pamela Anderson Canadian Green Superstars

Bryan Adams

Canada’s flag may be red and white, but the number of eco-friendly celebrities that hail from the country make it one of the greenest places on Earth.

In celebration of Earth Day, Huffington Post Canada has compiled a slideshow of 25 of the greenest celebrities from our neighbors up north.

Singer Bryan Adams and actress Pamela Anderson were two obvious picks, given the fact both stars promote a plant-based lifestyle.

“Vegan, singer and photographer Bryan Adams is another celebrity behind PETA’s campaign on animal rights and promoting a meatless lifestyle,” the article reads.

“Long-time PETA activist and vegetarian Pamela Anderson has stripped for ad campaigns, worn a lettuce bra and starred in anti-fur video campaigns.”

Living meatless may be the best environmentally friendly act you can commit. Consider how much we would save the planet if everyone in the U.S. went vegetarian for one day:

  • It would be the equivalent of saving 70 million gallons of gas–enough to fuel all the cars of Canada and Mexico.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 1.2 million tons of CO2, as much as produced by all of France.
  • 100 billion gallons of water, enough to supply all the homes in New England for almost 4 months.

Photo: Marco Maas/Creative Commons

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