Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood “Vegas Magazine” Vegan Talk

Carrie Underwood "Vegas"

Carrie Underwood is gracing the cover of Vegas Magazine and inside she reveals one of her favorite places to eat is at a restaurant the King of Vegas himself turned into a vegan paradise.

“We always go out to eat when we’re in town. I love Lakeside at Wynn—Mr. Wynn is a vegan so they have a lot of stuff on the menu that I can eat,” said the country music singer who recently made the switch from vegetarian to vegan.

“I know where the Whole Foods is there, too. If we’re not eating out, I’m making my own food. I will never order room service—it weirds me out!”

In Vegas, there’s no need to get weirded out at all because Steve Wynn, also a vegan, has ensured all of his establishments have a full vegan menu offering more than just a plate of seasonal vegetables, but a substantial protein component as well.

Plant-based Gardein protein is used to create a variety of faux chicken and beef dinners, calcium-enriched tofu substitutes for cheese in vegan ricotta and nuts have been blended to create a base for items you’d normally find “cream” in.

For more information and beautifully illustrated photos of dishes offered at Wynn’s hotels, visit Wynn Las Vegas.

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