Quantcast Vegetarian StarKathy Freston Visits “The Talk” With Vegan Superfoods (Video)

Kathy Freston visited the set of The Talk to share with fellow vegetarian Sara Gilbert and other hosts some of her ideas for incorporating vegan foods into a diet.

Warning: If you haven’t eaten in awhile, Freston’s demonstration of substituting vegan cheese for dairy using a freshly baked vegan pizza may send you straight to the kitchen before finishing the video.

In addition to cheese substitutes, Freston, who’s just released a new book on reaching your diet goals by removing animal products from the plate, The Lean, explains how to swap cow’s milk for non-dairy beverages like soy, rice, almond, hemp and coconut. Many of these products contain the same calcium and are fortified with Vitamins D like cow’s milk.

Not that she’s a stern lecturer, but towards the end of the clip Freston gives a little “talk” herself on the importance of breakfast.

“When you skip breakfast, your metabolism slows down by as much as forty percent,” Freston said.

So pour a little rice milk over that granola no matter how pressed you are for time.

The potential of vegan foods really has no limit. Freston even has suggestions for increasing sexual energy.

Watch the clip for more.

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