Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Mac Danzig Contributes To His Game Not Animal Suffering

Mac Danzig. Credit Street Life on Wikipedia

Mac Danzig. Credit Street Life on Wikipedia

“Don’t get me wrong, yes, I love animals … but if we were in a different day and age like 100 or 200 years ago then, sure, I would do whatever I had to do to live. If I had to be a hunter-gatherer then I would. I might feel bad about it, but I would respect the animals that I killed and I would eat meat. But things are different. We don’t live in that day and age anymore.”

“Today you have processed meats and a lot of animals suffering unnecessarily for it. Now, some people just blow that off and don’t have a conscience about it or they just don’t care. They wouldn’t eat their dog but they feel that way about other animals. But for me, I just decided to stop eating meat. I didn’t want to contribute to all of that.”

Mac Danzig, MMA fighter who will use his meatless power to battle Efrain Escudero in UFC 145: “Jones vs. Evans” on April 21, 2012 at the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful–Mac Danzig Contributes To His Game Not Animal Suffering”

  1. patti jorash Says:

    Hunters and gatherers didn’t have the resources and technology, not to mention the information that we do today. There’s no excuse; no reason to abuse animals today.