Quantcast Vegetarian StarJon Bon Jovi Soul Food Kitchen Could Update Its 80s Animal Product Menu

Jon Bon Jovi

Jon Bon Jovi leads the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation and the charity has announced its latest philanthropic event, a pay what you can diner located in Red Bank, New Jersey, Soul Kitchen.

Jovi claims Soul Kitchen serves everything that nourishes the body as well as the soul.

“It’s healthy, not health food. Healthy has a better connotation,” Jovi told GrubStreet. “You won’t see burgers and fries there; it’s organic, healthy, good-for-you food, and vegetarian stuff too.”

Looking at Soul Kitchen’s menu, we don’t see any burgers and there are a few meatless items available, like the 3-Bean Vegetarian Chili with handmade chips.

But then there’s a lot of the “other”…chicken, fish and a lot of pork.

Soul Kitchen should be commended for including a vegetarian dish on its menu (so long as it’s truly vegetarian and doesn’t contain any beef or chicken stock or other flavoring). But it’s time for Jon to recognize that animal products comprising the majority of a menu is about a close to healthy as big hair bands are a good touring complement to rappers and hip-hop.

Here’s hoping Soul Kitchen makes a few changes to the menu to reflect the trends of 2011 that will make the entire population, needy or not, more healthy.

Less meat, more plants. Mostly plants. Big hair’s okay too.

Photo: David Shankbone/Creative Commons

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