Quantcast Vegetarian StarKesha Asks McDonald’s To Switch To More Humane Slaughter Practices

Kesha is once again raising her voice for the animals.

The vegetarian and spokesperson for the Humane Society International has written a letter to the CEO of McDonald’s Corp., Jim Skinner, asking that he bring the fast food giant’s slaughter practices up to date.

Although restaurants in the U.K. and Europe have already implemented a chicken slaughter practice that involves slowly putting the birds to sleep, the U.S. still lags behind.

“Please explain why you won’t listen to your company’s own advisory panel and follow the lead of McDonald’s in Europe by switching to the modern method that would spare chickens killed for McNuggets from having their legs and wings broken, having their throats slashed while they’re still conscious, and being scalded to death in de-feathering tanks,” Kesha wrote.

“If the cost is what troubles you – despite the fact that your profits are way up because everyone eats cheap during a recession – let’s talk. I may not have the $ (money) that the Golden Arches (McDonald’s) has to throw around, but I’d be glad to lend a hand in helping bring your suppliers’ slaughter practices into the 21st century.”

Kesha was motivated to write to Skinner after learning the restaurant is spending more than a billion dollars for renovations but not investing any in more humane slaughter equipment.

Photo: PR Photos

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2 Responses to “Kesha Asks McDonald’s To Switch To More Humane Slaughter Practices”

  1. LMurr Says:

    There is a fine mind behind all of the vapid songs –
    Who knew?
    Thank you, Ke$ha, for using your fame to speak for those who cannot.

  2. Rain Says:

    Did not realize killing was humane? Strange that people still think this.