Quantcast Vegetarian StarMoby Vegan Porn Like A Parsnip Vs. A Daikon


Moby told Bizarre magazine that he’s interested in making a porn film for the little guys.


Apparently, he’s so fed up with films that feature ruler stick sized parts, he wants to make films that make average guys the champions.

“Surely that’s intimidating to most guys watching,” Moby said. “My porn flick would exclusively feature men with normal-to-titchy-sized penises in order to make viewers feel better.”

Or, as Gothamist says, “Like, a parsnip instead of a daikon, to put it in vegan terms.”

As a succesful musician, vegetarian advocate and animal rights champion, Moby is sure to excel at whatever he does, so look for the DVD at your nearest creepy, shady XXX store located in an alley you can’t find on Google Maps.

Plus, as a vegan, he’ll likely have the, ahem, physical fitness to make plenty of sequels in the series.

Vascular diseases like high blood pressure and high cholesterol are the main causes of erectile dysfunction. And it’s almost  always  flesh that causes those problems. And we’re not talking about the flesh you see in Bootie Action 11.

As PETA says, “Going vegan is best thing you can do for animals, the planet, your health, and your sex life,” said PETA Senior Vice President Lisa Lange. “There’s nothing sexier in the world than someone with a lot of passion and the compassion to match.”

Photo: PR Photos

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