Quantcast Vegetarian StarJake Shields Makes Vegan Transition (Video)

Jake Shields Makes Vegan Transition (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 14th, 2011 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Food & Drink, Videos.

Jake Shields

MMA fighter Jake Shields discusses his motivations for being vegan in this exclusive interview at Bleacher Report.

“I’ve been a vegetarian my whole life. So originally, I’ve never really thought much about it–it was just how I grew up,” Shields said.

Shields grew up vegetarian, but has recently made the switch to a completely vegan lifestyle.

Shields told MMA Junkie, “I made some small changes that made a big difference and feel the best I’ve ever felt,” he said. “I fixed my diet and switched to being fully vegan.”

The video of the interview with Bleacher Report can be seen below.

Photo: PR Photos

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