Quantcast Vegetarian StarElisabetta Canalis PETA Anti-Fur Ad Unveiled

Elisabetta Canalis PETA Anti-Fur Ad Unveiled

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 14th, 2011 in Actresses, Fur.

Elisabetta Canalis PETA

Elisabetta Canalis‘ anti-fur ad for PETA has finally been released.

Months ago, the actress discussed the shoot and how her love of dogs is just one of several reasons she refuses to wear real fur.

Like many PETA ads, the photo appears to feature Canalis naked, but in reality, there’s a thin, flesh-colored panty covering up the bottom of her birthday suit.

“I was comfortable, maybe you can’t tell, but I have kind of panties there (points to her hips on the poster). It’s like a sticky, strapless thong,” she told Fox News.

A different version of the ad can be viewed below.

Elisabetta Canalis PETA

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