Quantcast Vegetarian StarMegan Fox Drops Vegan Diet And Senses

Megan Fox Drops Vegan Diet And Senses

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 12th, 2011 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Not So Vegetarian.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox is the latest celebrity to go vegan, get unhealthy and complain about it because she didn’t know how to follow the diet.

On a nicer note, the actress was able to stick to the regime for over a year.

We hope she’s at least still vegetarian.

“For a year and a half, until about four months ago, I followed a strict vegan diet based on raw fruits and vegetables, no bread, sugar and coffee. But I had lost too much weight,” Megan told Amica.

“So now I eat a bit of everything. I train three times a week doing circuit training with my trainer Harley Pasternak.”

The idea that a vegan diet is all about raw fruits and vegetables is about as nutty as the idea that humans need to munch on flesh for protein.

In reality, a vegan diet lets you indulge in nuts, grains, pasta, non-dairy beverages and more.

Need some sound nutritional advice from the experts?

Visit Nil Zacharia’s article at the Huffington Post titled, “BUSTED: Top Vegan Nutritional Myths,” to be enlightened on the truth about cow’s milk, omega-3s, soy and more.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Megan Fox Drops Vegan Diet And Senses”

  1. herwin Says:

    she says “raw fruits”. Hell yeah, i also eat my bananas and apples “raw”. LOL. Usually people don’t cook their fruits. 😛
    Anyway, silly and misinformed, vegan isn’t about that, poor Hollywood celeb…