Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Help” Jessica Chastain Credits Soy For Her Hollywood Breasts

Jessica Chastain

Forget the bustiers, for the expensive implants.

The easiest way to a fuller bosom ladies is through a tall glass of soy milk, according to The Help‘s Jessica Chastain.

The actress had to gain 15 pounds for the film and said she accomplished her mission by gulping down soy products.

“I had to be soft and curvy, so I ate a lot of soy,” Chastain said. “Soy helps you become curvy because it has estrogen in it. So what I would do—and this is really gross—is buy cartons of soy ice scream, microwave it and drink it. It was disgusting, [but] wait till you see my boobs in the movie.”

Yeah, that does sound really gross, considering soy ice cream is supposed to be eaten cold and most items served cold should not be heated. Why not just skip the microwave and hang out in the sun and let the ice cream melt a little?

Vegetarian Star won’t  comment on the validity that soy makes your boobs bigger. After all, there aren’t many studies that examine breast growth and edamame consumption. More importantly though, we haven’t seen her boobs in the movie.

There is good evidence to suggest soy protects you from things that attack your womanly figure that breast cancer and osteoporosis. So drink up–regardless of your bra size.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to ““The Help” Jessica Chastain Credits Soy For Her Hollywood Breasts”

  1. jon Says:

    Soy is a toxic food. It has phytoestrogens NOT estrogen, and these can cause hormonal problems. It also has trypsin inhibitors and phytates which cause more nutritional issues. People should read Sally Fallon’s book Nourishing Traditions to find out about the true science behind soy. That being said, her boobs did look amazing but that’s from general weight gain. She could have ate anything and accomplished that and done so with more safety.