Quantcast Vegetarian StarKathy Freston Shares Recovery Steps For Breaking Bad Food Habits

Kathy Freston

Addicted to meat?

Author Kathy Freston has a 7 step program she shared at the Huffington Post to help those who can’t stop hiding the beef jerkys underneath the bed at home and Ho-hos inside the file cabinet at work.

Freston explores the idea of being addicted to several unhealthy foods, such as dairy and excess sugar.

From Huffington Post:

First, let’s consider how we identify a meat addiction. You know you are addicted to something if, despite knowing that it’s bad for you or doesn’t jibe with your ethics, and despite wanting to drop it from your life, you keep consuming it. Addiction entails a craving that has more control over our behavior than our rational mind and desires. Of course, breaking an addiction can be extremely challenging — you don’t just snap your fingers and lose a craving. But in more than a few ways, those who struggle the most to break an addiction are, often, those who benefit the most.

So, what is the first step to bad food recovery?

Visit the Huffington Post to find out!

Photo: PR Photos

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