Quantcast Vegetarian StarJohn Salley Fights Diabetes With PSA For PCRM

John Salley

John Salley is starring in a PSA sponsored by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine that’s advising parents and children to eat more vegetarian and vegan meals to combat diabetes.

The “Up Your Defenses!” poster features the NBA champion who’s played with the Los Angeles Lakers, Detroit Pistons, and Chicago Bulls.

John Salley PCRM

The PCRM’s president, Dr. Neal Barnard, has researched the effects of a plant-based diet and diabetes with his colleagues and found positive results.

One particular study involved two groups of individuals with diabetes that were placed on either a vegan diet or one that followed the guidelines of the American Diabetes Association, which allows meat and dairy.

Diabetics who followed the vegan diet experienced a greater reduction in A1c (a measure of blood sugar levels), weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and LDL or “bad” cholesterol.

According to the PCRM, for every serving of red meat consumed, there is a 26 percent increased risk of diabetes. For processed meats, that risk increases to 38 to 73 percent with every serving.

For more information on how a veg diet can help fight diabetes, visit BlockDiabetes.org.

Photo: PR Photos

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