Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Revolver Magazine” Hottest Metal Chick Otep Is Vegetarian (Video)


Women who rock=good. Women who rock without animal as food=even better.

Otep is a vegetarian and animal rights activist who has been featured as one of Revolver magazine’s “Hottest Chicks in Metal.”

“Making conscious sacrifices for the benefit of others, whether it’s animal rights or for people who are struggling–I think that is an act of courage,” Otep told PETA2 in an interview. “Taking a stand, caring about something seems to be much more rebellious in a country, society or culture where conformity matter.”

PETA2 has profiled several other women in metal who’ve taken a stand for animals. Watch the clip featuring Otep below.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to ““Revolver Magazine” Hottest Metal Chick Otep Is Vegetarian (Video)”

  1. cristh Says:

    otep is one of the most brave women i ever heard !!!!