Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Grimm” Transforms Werewolf To Vegetarian Crime Solver (Video)

Silas Weir Mitchell

A new NBC series that combines classic childhood fairy tales with crime drama will feature a vegetarian character who helps put the Big Bad Wolves away.

Grimm, which will debut on October 21 at 9p.m. ET, will have Silas Weir Mitchell (My Name is Earl, Prison Break) playing a werewolf-like character who has trained himself to both go vegetarian and help detectives solve crimes.

“I’m playing one of the characters who has a battle with his demon,” Mitchell said. “I’m just an average vegetarian clockmaker who is trying not to turn into a wolf.”

The pilot episode of Grimm is a play on Little Red Riding Hood. Watch the official trailer below for a sneak peek.

Photo: PR Photos

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