Quantcast Vegetarian StarRoseanne Barr Goes Nuts On “The View” (Video)

Roseanne Barr

Roseanne Barr made an appearance on The View where she discussed her ambitious goals of becoming both president of the United States and Prime Minister of Israel.

It’s going to take a lot of her energy to accomplish both, but lucky for her, Roseanne knows what to snack on to keep her energy level up while contemplating issues like student loans and making sure everybody eats their nuts.

The actress stars in the Lifetime series Roseanne’s Nuts, a show about her life on the macademia nut farm she owns in Hawaii.

“I truly believe that the macademia nut can save the entire world and solve all the world’s problems,” Roseanne said.

“It’s a perfect protein. It has little carb. It has the right kind of fats that we need to make our brains function better.”

“If people were to get their protein from nuts rather than beef, there’d be no global warming and there would also be enough grain to feed all the hungry people.”

Roseanne also touched on the fact that these little packets of protein are good for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, giving more evidence that she really isn’t nuts. Macademia nuts have been found to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels when included in a heart-healthy diet.

Below is a clip from Roseanne’s Nuts, which airs Wednesdays at 9pm/8c.

Photo: PR Photos

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