Quantcast Vegetarian StarYotam Ottolenghi On Ingredients That Make Vegetarianism Difficult

Yotam Ottolenghi already eats a pretty heavy plant-based diet. As a former vegetarian columnist who’s just released a vegetable cookbook, Plenty, he knows a thing or two about putting together a meatless meal.

And if he had to give up meat completely, there are only a few items he thinks would be hard to replace.

“Honestly, I don’t think it would be that hard; I don’t eat that much meat anyways,” Ottolenghi said. “The hardest things would probably be items that make good flavoring agents for other dishes, like anchovies, smoky bacon, or fish oil.”

Ask any seasoned vegetarian and he will tell you there are substitutes for everything. Smokey bacon has a faux twin sister in the form of tempeh. And fish seasonings like anchovies, anchovy paste and fish sauce can be accomplished with items like umeboshi, a paste made from pickled ume plums.

The Vegetarian Site gives a list of several alternatives to common animal-based ingredients used in cooking and baking.

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