Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone Discusses Raising Vegan Baby Blu

Alicia Silverstone often uses her website The Kind Life to blog about her latest adventures in vegan cooking, health and fitness news. Kind Life readers may soon hear more about the Clueless star’s adventures in vegan parenting. Silverstone told the British edition of Ok! magazine that she plans to raise baby Bear Blu on the same diet she ate to nurish him during pregnancy.

“Bear was grown on vegan food and we’ll continue nourishing him with a healthy diet,” Silverstone said. “He’ll be eating an organic plant-based diet. I intend to take great care of his precious new baby body so I’m committed to giving him nothing but the purest and most healthy food possible. We want to keep his immune system strong so that he’ll be super healthy – which is just one of the many reasons he’ll eat vegan.”

Pediatrician Dr. Sears and registered nurse Martha Sears addresses several questions about raising a child on a vegetarian or vegan diet on their website for parents at AskDrSears.com.

AskDrSears says raising a vegan child may be slightly more risky because of the need to supplement with calcium, Vitamin D and B-Vitamins.

Raising a little vegan requires more planning and nutritional know-how to insure that the child gets enough calcium, vitamin D, iron, vitamin B-12, and some of the other B-vitamins. Yes, children can grow normally on a diet of grains, legumes, and greens, yet it’s a bit risky. A wise parent should seek periodic advice from a nutritionist experienced in vegan diets.

AskDrSears suggests using fortified products, such as enriched soy milk and orange juice to prevent these problems.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Alicia Silverstone Discusses Raising Vegan Baby Blu”

  1. herwin Says:

    Raising a vegan baby myself now, 1 and 1/2 years old, looks healthier than the other neighborhood kids who started to drink cowmilk at a very young age.
    Raising a baby vegan needs good and nutritional food (just like any non veg baby BTW !) but most vegans already very aware about which foods has calciums, protein, vitamins, etc. IMO only B12 needs to be suplemented to Junior.
    As far Alicia, i hope she don’t get drunk and feed her baby cheese to look less icy. LOL. (sorry, old joke..)