Quantcast Vegetarian StarJorge Garcia Laughs At Himself And Jokes About Vegan Food

Jorge Garcia

What’s almost as good as spending an evening with former Lost actor Jorge Garcia and his homemade vegetarian sloppy joes and almond milk?

Spending the evening at LA comedy club The Laugh Factory and listening to his stand-up routine where he poked fun at himself while sharing his passion for vegan food.

“Yeah, I’m still fat,” Garcia said. “Thought I’d address the elephant in the room…I became vegan at the time when vegans are going through a whole cupcake renaissance. It’s definitely kept my mind off of cheese.”

The actor first went vegetarian and has been a vegan for about six months.

Every vegan knows that 99% of the work is not about the cooking, but reading the darn labels! Garcia also found the opportunity to make humor out of this.

“Rapeseed oil! I had to Google it. It’s a plant. It’s lovely, yellow flowers, which kind of is disturbing that you would either name a pretty little flower after rape or you’d name rape after a pretty yellow flower. And how do you have a whole family going, ‘We’ve been raising rape for as long as I can remember! Why don’t you come join me around harvest time? Come out to the rapefields!’?”

No matter how confused Garcia is about rape crops, he can at least rest easy knowing he’s not raping Mother Earth by gobbling large quantities of meat produced from factory farms that pollute her home.

Photo: PR Photos

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