Quantcast Vegetarian StarKristen Wiig Russell Brand Win PETA Sexiest Vegetarians

Kristen Wiig Russell Brand Win PETA Sexiest Vegetarians

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 28th, 2011 in Actors, Actresses, Food & Drink.

Kristen Wiig

PETA has revealed the winners of its latest Sexiest Vegetarians Contest.

Being sexy, vegetarian and funny must be a likely combination because this year two hilarious television personalities, Kristen Wiig and Russell Brand were crowned Queen and King.

Ironically, SNL star Wiig once starred in a skit mocking vegans. But since she still considers some of her indulgences to be dark chocolate peanut M & M’s and “hot, melty cheesy sandwiches” we guess it’s still okay for her to mock the nut cheese and rice milk fanatics.

Russell Brand

Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Get Him To The Greek actor Brand is a repeat winner in PETA’s Sexiest Titles, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy ride for him.

Brand once said, “Being the world’s sexiest vegetarian is akin to being the world’s most lovable pedophile. In a way it’s as much a condemnation as it is an endorsement. But I’m proud to be considered sexy, let alone the world’s sexiest in any category. If I were nominated to be the sexiest man on this sofa, I would happily accept that title.”

Photos: PR Photos

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