Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlec Baldwin Dines At Florida’s Sublime Vegetarian Restaurant

Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin was spotted in one of sunny Florida’s premiere vegetarian restaurants in Ft. Lauderfale, Sublime.

Baldwin was in town to film his new movie Rock of Ages.

The actor was so excited about his meal at Sublime, he took a moment to Tweet about the experience, calling it the “Le Bernardin of vegan dining.”

Baldwin and his party satisfied their vegetarian hunger with Sublime’s frito misto (tempura battered fried cauliflower), faux caviar, crispy eggplant rollatini, fire-toasted artichoke, “Steak” sandwich, raw mein salad, Sublime picatta and coconut cake.

Receiving praise from top food media guides like Zagat, New York Times and USA Today, Sublime is owned by Nanci Alexander, who founded Animal Rights Foundation Florida, where she still serves as president and volunteers.

Photo: PR Photos

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