Quantcast Vegetarian StarOwain Yeoman Of “The Mentalist” Investigates A Fowl Crime Scene

Owain Yeoman is not just a pretty face who plays a crime investigator on television. The Mentalist actor knows when something smells fowl in real life too.

Like when geese are forced to eat to the point of discomfort and physical trauma for someone’s plate of foie gras.

Yeoman recently protested a popular British store’s decision to keep foie gras on the shelves, even though many food stores in the country like Selfridges have banned it.

“In the UK, foie gras production is literally a criminal procedure – so why is a shop that prides itself on its British heritage still selling this cruel product?” Yeoman asked. “We’re encouraging all compassionate people to shop elsewhere until Fortnum & Mason stops selling foie gras.”

Because not many animals will eat themselves to death, foie gras producers put metal tubes down the throats of young ducks and geese in order to get them so overfed, their livers swell abnormally, producing the flavor that is considered a delicacy. The birds suffer internal bleeding and complications from liver failure.

Photo: PR Photos

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