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Oprah Ended Show On Good Vegetarian Note

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 25th, 2011 in Film & TV, Food & Drink, TV Hosts.

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey can be seen for the final time today on her daytime television show after 25 years in production.

Many blogs and news sources are reflecting on how Oprah has impacted the lives of millions throughout the years, discussing some of her most memorable and even controversial shows.

In both 1996 and 2011, Oprah touched on the meat industry and vegetarianism. A lot changed during those 15 years and perhaps that’s why the show in 2011 ended on a little more positive note.

In ’96, Oprah interviewed cattle rancher turned vegan and animal rights activist Howard Lyman during an episode about the beef industry and Mad Cow disease. Oprah’s statements that the practices turned her off from burgers incited a lawsuit from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association that was eventually dismissed.

This year, Oprah brought veggie back. Not only did she go vegan for a week, but she took over 300 staffers with her with the help of vegan author Kathy Freston who advised on meal planning.

It’s unknown how many people either went vegetarian, vegan or at least started flexing after the vegan episode aired. But Oprah reached more people in a day than most celebrities can in a month and there’s no doubt she made a huge impact on the diet and lifestyle.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Oprah Ended Show On Good Vegetarian Note”

  1. Benedict Gras Says:

    Oprah started out after the Phil Donahue talk show, other talk shows sprang up, they are all gone. Her staying power was that she turned away from trashy shows and tried to help people, Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Suze Orman, book clubs, the Angel Network, a school to educate girls in a country where they had no future. You may not agree with her politics or religious views but this woman was a force in this country. She could have taken her money and had a mansion in all corners of the globe but the woman gave back, and for this she has been honored.